The Steelco One-time Connection System (OCS) is yet another step forward to ensure that endoscope reprocessing is fast, error-proof, and, most importantly, with a minimum risk of cross-contamination.
The OCS is a one-time connection system shared between prewashing, washing/disinfection, and drying/storage devices. The OCS provides the ability for connecting endoscopes channels with one gesture, minimising operators’ manipulation of endoscopes in all the phases of the process, significantly decreasing the risk of cross-contamination and the possibility of human errors.
This fast, ergonomic, and user-friendly technology allows one-time endoscope handling and channel connection, simultaneously ensuring three times speedier connectivity.
Only connect the endoscope at the start of the process eliminates the risk of mistakes further down the process.
Fewer touch points, enabling the safe aseptic handling of the endoscope and providing enhanced infection prevention.
Speed and efficiency of the process is significantly increased, realising time and cost savings.
Connecting endoscopes channels with one gesture:
OCS technology, a one-time connection system shared between prewashing, washing/disinfection, and drying/storage devices.
During a working day, an endoscope is handled several times for different procedures. After each use, it has to be reprocessed following these critical steps: bedside treatment, manual cleaning, automated cleaning & disinfection, storage, and drying before being ready to return to the next patient.
During manual cleaning, automated cleaning & disinfection, and drying endoscopes channels have to be connected – by dedicated connection sets – and disconnected to pass to the next step.
Our OCS One-Time Connection System has been studied as a unique endoscope connector following the device during all the reprocessing steps. This allows you to connect just once starting with manual cleaning and disconnecting after storage.
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