iM Med provides healthcare providers with the very best tools to ensure their own quality and compliance.
Based on decades of expertise in medical device decontamination, iM Med delivers expert training, advice and technical support to international, European and local standards, policy and guidance.
iM Med is passionate about patient safety excellence, supporting compliance and the sharing of best practice.
CPD certified training.
Ensuring compliance with best practice in decontamination is a top priority for healthcare providers and patient safety is paramount. However, as limited budgets for training have proven to be a challenge for many Trusts, areas of non-compliance can begin to emerge.
iM Academy delivers training services to support Trusts to drive improvement, reduce downtime and ensure compliance.
AP Services - iM Med is able to provide intermediate or long-term support to individuals, teams, departments and Trusts to support decontamination compliance procedures and delivery.
“We really liked that you got evidence of training, we had never had certificates before,” says Sue. “We liked that there were workbooks to work through and get signed off, showing machine competency”
James Cook University Hospital and Major Trauma Centre
Excellence in Decontamination Conferences are aimed at teams involved in decontamination, from front-line decontamination technicians up to senior management supporting Trusts, to guarantee a team approach to patient safety.
Our specialist engineers carry out full machine health checks to diagnose the root cause and correct the issue.
- Interpretation of weekly, quarterly and annual reports
- Assistance with corrective and/or preventative actions
- Solutions to help maintain service continuity whilst ensuring the provision of a safe service for the patient
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VAT No 251 6305 30
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